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"There is some risk involved in action, there always is. But there is far more risk involved in failure to act." -Harry S. Truman
Obstacles can be a gift, if you're willing to explore how they can make you stronger.
Toyota, while a hierarchical organization, is guided by a democratic central tenet: You don't have to ask permission to take responsibility.
Act as though I am and I will be.
Act like a happy person, and you will find it easier to be one.
We would benefit greatly to have a little disconnectedness within our overly connected world.
It is almost impossible for us to change when we are bound hostage by negative experiences and emotions from the past.
Failures are going to happen, and how you respond to them may be the most important thing in whether you succeed.
The process of change requires unlearning first, then learning.
Look for the opportunity inside the obstacle rather than simply the obstacle.
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