No matter how much preparation, no matter how skilled or smart we are, the ultimate outcome is in the hands of God. The sooner we realize that, the better we will be.
To procrastinate assumes you'll have the discipline to get to it later, despite not having the discipline now.
"A good leader inspires people to have confidence in their leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves." -Lao Tzu
The best teams have the most team players - people who excel at collaborating with others.
Lead with purpose and you will lead with passion.
People value authenticity and they want the truth. No one expects the leader to be perfect - only genuine and honest.
It's easier to stay motivated when employees know they're working on the right things.
The cost of your bad habits are in the future.
You have to work hard to discover how to work smart. You won't know the best solutions until you've made nearly all the mistakes.
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