"A good leader inspires people to have confidence in their leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves." -Lao Tzu
"Success is never final; failure is never final. It's courage that counts." -John Wooden, legendary UCLA men's basketball coach.
"There is too much bad news to justify complacency. There is too much good news to justify despair." -Donella Meadows, Scientist
"You have to fight a battle more than once to win it." -Margaret Thatcher
"Creativity is just connecting things." -Steve Jobs
"Forever is comprised of now's." -Emily Dickinson
"All of humanity's problems stem from man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone."
-Blaise Pascal
"One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself."
-Leonardo Da Vinci
"Wisdom is not the product of schooling but of the lifelong attempt to acquire it." -Albert Einstein
"The best way to avenge yourself is to not be like that." -Marcus Aurelius
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